I saw a thought passing
I saw a thought passing a new thought One that could lead to so many more One that would blame One that would put me on the defence I […]
I saw a thought passing Read More
I saw a thought passing a new thought One that could lead to so many more One that would blame One that would put me on the defence I […]
I saw a thought passing Read More
What does the word yoga invoke in your mind? What is the first image you see? Many think of yoga as a set of postures, a form of exercise or
Do Nothing – Do Yoga Read More
I sat and did an hour of asana practice in bliss of the breath and in joy of opening the body. Focusing on opening the hips towards half lotus (a
Yoga is an attitude of no resistance Read More
Yoga teaches that our being consists of 5 layers or koshas that surround the atma – our true-self/God self. These are from gross to subtlest: The physical body (annamaya kosha),
Emotional / Mental Body – Manamaya Kosha Read More
This month I thought I’d say something a little different……. I receive, (like yourself I imagine), lots of emails, some overloading my mailbox while others sit like fresh fruit, patiently
Meditation for many is understood to be a practice of sitting or lying down, listening to calming music or words, repeating a mantra, visualising and/or relaxing. Although meditation might happen
Meditation for many is understood to be a practice of sitting or lying down, listening to calming music or words, repeating a mantra, visualising and/or relaxing. Although meditation might happen
To all my friends on the journey, I’d like to thank you for your being, which acts as a mirror. What has been coming at me like a slow yet
He Who Caste No Shadow Read More
The wisdom that prophets have shared has been interpreted in so many different ways and today it seems everyone has their own unique view of what religion is all about.
Heaven, Hell and Adam’s Apple Read More
Have you ever felt life was going so fast, with you running behind, never reaching your destination? Have you ever wished you could stop the events of life in order
Yoga Teaches Pratyahara Read More