
Yoga for Schools in Hertofordshire and North London

The increasing popularity of yoga in schools today is in recognition of the important role that it can play in bringing us home to who we really are.

Spiritual Beings in a physical body, here to enjoy the earth as a solid platform for experience and growth.

Constantly evolving humans are forever seeking ways to better themselves and their environment. As time goes by we occasionally forget our sense of gracious living and mistake it for 'newer', 'faster', 'bigger and better' etc.

It is in this forgetting that we lose ourselves and our link to the cosmic weave. The earth in her undying love, is now reminding us to come back to the soil; to care for it and make every attempt to discontinue our messing with nature, solely in the name of personal profit.

How does this relate to schools? Well, it returns us to the role of education and the importance of self love and companionship, team playing and responsibility.

Yoga teaches us; from childhood to old age, that we are a collective. Within this gathering, each individual affects the outcome of the whole. Every wave affects the weather.
When we were at school yoga wasn't on the school curriculum. Today this is now possible. Whether it be in after school clubs or mainstream.

We have seen the enormous benefits that yoga has on children, their friends and families. We are here to voice ourselves joyfully!

Both Dorna and Matt have a lot of experience of working with children, (including special needs children) and are here to help in any way that the universe wants us to.

If you feel that we can help you or your school, please get in touch.

In Yoga,


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