Matt Gluck Background
I was born in 1967 and live in Hertfordshire. These are labels, which when I associate too closely with, restrict me.
Life teaches me in the now. As a young boy on holiday, bathing in the utter joy of sharing free time in the sun with family, my mantra used to be, “now, now, now, this is happening now!” in an attempt to eternalise the moment. I guess it did, although I now understand the mantra is a tool to be discarded eventually.
I am not this body, this flesh which dissolves and renews itself without my asking. I am not the 'Yoga teacher' dude that I would like to think that I am.
Lineage & Salutations
I offer obeisance to my Guru Sathya Sai Baba, without whom none of this would have been possible for me and to whom I bow and offer this life and any future lives in service to. Having revealed yourself to me as a manifestation of Keshava Madhava (Lord Krishna), the Great Adinath (Lord Siva)... first Yogi......and Surya Devi (the Light of this world) I pay homage to you and thus the entire lineage of the Nath tradition.
As a sworn student of the Shaolin Temple (Singapore Lineage), I honour and revere my preceptor Abbot Seh Koh San of the Singapore Temple for passing to me his great wisdom and compassion via my Sifus of the Shaolin School Nam Pai Chuan, here in the United Kingdom. In particular I thank Sifus Jeff Guishard & Chris Lai for being true Sifus... amazing teachers, friends and father figures. Many years later and after leaving Nam Tai Chuan in 2000 I have returned and remain under the ever wisening and formidable tutelage of my first Sifu Jeff Guishard. Through Jeff and after nearly 25 years of learning and playing with Tai Chi, I begin to understand 'true martial arts' and authentic Tai Chi ~ hard to find and I shall hold on 'loose' 🙂
I offer thanks to Master Chia of the Universal Tao Thailand for welcoming me in Tao Garden for 8 months back in 2000 and his friend and teacher Kris Deva North here in the UK. Thank you both for your love, wit and wisdom. You both helped me to 'gaze back and look for the moon', which I have firmly in my sights again.
Thank you Max Christensen for helping me to find the 'Path of No More Learning', although I'm still learning lol and for openly sharing with me Nei Gung and his Root Form. This brought me immense healing and transformation which still hisses inside of me every day.
This Nei Gung (Internal Work) brought the awakening of Khecarī Mudrā, which then shifted my consciousness and healing to another level. Thus in praise of Chandra Devi (the Moon) and the light now bestowed upon me through Khecarī Vidya (Space/Sky Moving Knowledge), I bow to Khecarī Devi for welcoming me into 'Amrita Bhava' - I waited so long, yearned like a lost sheep and then entered your sanctum. May the wisdom of the eternal emptiness draw me ever near. Initiation into Khecari Mudra.
These souls I list here were the signposts along the road for this weary traveller to remember 'home' is truth and love and that to seek the Tao/Self, while loving all as fully awakened Buddhas, is the most important thing in life.
I give thanks and love to Dorna my twin soul, who began as my student and became my teacher. I love you so so very much.
I honour my parents Michael and Jackie Gluck, who raised me to know the difference between right and wrong and inspire me to be my best self. You are always holding my hands and the voice of my conscience - no words can express how much I love you x:)
It’s not what you know,
It’s how you love that counts
Love shared
is the remedy for
our Global Soul.
Life is the messenger
Love is its message
Live Joyfully
and find Peace
The Infinite Space
Within any Moment