
Corporate Yoga – Workplace Yoga

Dorna and Matt have years of commercial experience, coupled with knowledge of highly effective practices, which transform stress into inspiration.

We provide your staff with a simple toolbox of Yogic related 'techniques' that help them to be their best.

Sessions can be tailored to your company's needs. Whether you want to promote health, improve morale, communication, motivation, team spirit or just relieve stress; the choice is yours:

Jump Start To Wellness

Program Info


Well Being Days

Days Info

Private Retreats

Sample Retreast Info

For more information regarding affordable prices and to discuss the finer details, please send us an email to dorna@pranasanayoga.com or matt@pranasanayoga.com or call the office 01707 643 447 or Matt 07974 340 685 or Dorna 07961 479 898 .

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