Student Testimonials

Testimonials for Pranasana Yoga

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I just wanted to say thank you Dorna for another wonderful Zoom breathing class this afternoon. Every week it's wonderful and in fact I don't want it to end and could continue with it for another hour. Julie Vass

I just want to say how grateful I am to Matt Gluck and Dorna Djenab 's online yoga classes. I have always loved their classes over the past 10 or so years as they are both so lovely, warm, compassionate and funny, and they have over 30 years knowledge of Yoga, Tai Chi, breath work and wisdom for life between them. During these unnerving, unknown and challenging times of the pandemic, their online classes have been an absolute life-saver for me. Not only am I able to keep up with my beloved Yoga, through having more time at home I can also improve my technique, fitness and well-being.
Matt and Dorna have arranged a brilliant Limitless offer, where you have a choice of 29 classes per week and you can do as many as you like for only £20 per week! (£75 to book a month in advance) I'm about to do my third week running of Limitless classes. It's like attending a beautiful - and affordable! - yoga course, which I can fit in between other parts of my life. I can already deeply feel the benefits of my 7 classes per week, which as well as Yoga, include Pranayama - wonderful breathing techniques, Self-enquiry and a great fun 20-minute Energy Reboot class, which really does increase my energy! They are all helping to keep me fit, centred, grounded and optimistic. What's even more fantastic, is that you can join their classes via Zoom from anywhere in the world! So it's lovely to connect with everyone, especially to those who are no longer in the UK. I would strongly recommend you look at their website and start booking their classes. You can go at your own pace, from complete beginner to very experienced.
Thank you so much Matt and Dorna for everything and for creating this wonderful, fun oasis during these difficult times. I'm so grateful to having you both in my life. Love you ? Namaste ? xxxx Anna Cordell

Matt and Dorna seem to have the ability to spread their warmth and zest for life through all of us. Barbara Squire

The chance to do yoga classes with Matt at home has been brilliant. It is so much better practising in your own space but still feeling part of a group. A welcome and unexpected improvement on trecking down to the gym. Helen Wills

I love a bit of Yoga and do a, short and pretty basic, home practice each day. I've done yoga with Matt twice via zoom and it's really incredible. I've been to yoga classes in gyms, I've done YouTube yoga I've done other zoom sessions (which were also very good) but never have I had this strange tingling, buzzing, electric calm that I seem to get after an hour with Matt. I don't know what it is and can't explain it, but he clearly does something!! Sam Kelly

I have been practicing yoga and all of the other classes Dorna and Matt offer, almost of every day during Lockdown.

I didn't know what to expect initially as I much prefer in person sessions.

But it's been a real eye opener to how the world could be and how less stressful it can be ie parking etc.

If I didn't have access to zoom I probably wouldn't of known or sampled all of the classes.
I do like to do in person classes
And feel I would still do some classes like that if they were to come available but I am totally also happy with zoom.
And the comfort of my own home ..

These classes help me a great deal personally and I feel if are not signed up then it would be a good idea to join...

The benefits are endless!

Also I was allowed to try a class for free as I wasn't working due to covid19 and what a generous And amazing gift.

I love Dorna and Matt with all my heart and will continue to do classes with them by any means

Yoga is not only a series of asanas or form of meditation. It is a way of living, a way of being, that really has the power to transform humanity in a positive way. The beautiful thing about discovering yoga with Dorna and Matt, or at least for me it was, is that you immediately become part of something special, a loving community that cares about each other, that supports each other without judgement and without ego. This is very rare in modern day society.
As well as being experienced and professional teachers they both transmit a passion for yoga and strong energy vibration that will leave you vitalised after each meeting and with the courage to begin to make changes in other spheres of your life. Jenny Cameron


I love Pranasana Yoga for the variety with integrity that it provides in yoga teaching. Working through the layers, it's so much more than you might expect. The best way to understand is to go and try one of their classes, workshops and retreats. You will love it. Very grateful!

Sha Sha Crow

After my massage with Dorna, my pain is gone, I feel free of my skin and the joints are more flexible. I haven't felt like that for quite a long time despite the fact that I practice yoga regularly. Yoga and massage compliment each other. Thank you for an amazing job Dorna. Mariyana Bozhkova

Being a bit of a control freak, I was scared to submit myself to a 90 minutes exercise of compromising positions, that I do not fully understand. But I did and joined the rest of the group, it was a very nice experience. It's like an exercise mixed with relaxation and afterwards I felt a lot more peaceful than when I began. Letting go of what you think is a silly posture is liberating and I can't imagine that anyone except Dorna could provide a better atmosphere for a "first timer" 🙂
I now regularly go to Dorna's Yoga classes. Mark Kragh


Really first class . Matt and Dorna are both great teachers and compliment each other beautifully. Alison Smith

Yoga with Matt and Dorna 5* Dianne Jennings

What a lovely first experience at yoga class! I'm glad and lucky that I met you Dorna! Maria Nikolau

Dorna is an awesome teacher, patient and enthusiastic. She fills everyone with light. I love her. Tracey Northern

Dorna and Matt are not only great teachers but are also kind and able to make you feel most welcome and home in the group. I can truly recommend for anyone to attend any of their classes, workshops or retreats. Katalin Brindley

The yoga was great. The atmosphere during the class was light and unserious - however it was still majorly productive. The whole experience was new to us so there was a lot of laughing but Matt didn't mind and often joined in or added to it. Because of some of the crazy practices and exercises we were asked to do, a bond formed among the group, making us feel more like a team. As well as this 'mental' benefit, there were numerous others which would in the long term lead to a squad of successful athletes. For example; in the 4 weeks I did the yoga I found I was sleeping better, giving me more energy for training. I also gained a much more positive attitude and more self confidence. In terms of physical changes, I have found my self more flexible, my core stability has improved and breathing has become stronger. This was all achieved in a short 4 weeks.


Emails from Students

Hello Matt.

I just wanted to say thank you for that most inspirational workshop on Saturday.

In every respect it was excellent. 3 days later I am still 'coming down' from it, as it were. It has sealed my understanding of what Yoga really is, and given me so much to think about and to practise.

I have long been interested in philosophy, both Eastern and Western, and now now see more clearly how Yoga fits into that Eastern tradition, and how it seeks to answer life's fundamental questions as best as it can.

I have taken to my mat several times since Saturday. What's really interesting is that, straight away, my mind now tunes it to that deeper dimension.

So again, many thanks.


Dear Matt,

Thank you so much for the lovely retreat. Afterwards I felt as though. I'd had a weekend of rest! I am very much looking forward to the full day version, then the 3 day version, then the seven day version (one day per chakra maybe :)) ... And the daily version at home is great and will grow over time BUT there is something so special about us all being all together with you in the room to impart your wisdom. This was the first class I took since resting my collar/shoulder and this morning I woke up sore body (it's always sore in the mornings) but in a much less restricted way than usual. Wonderful!!

Thank you thank you

Om Shanti Namaste
Shasha x x x

Thank you for a truly inspirational day. I learned a lot and look forward to practicing and improving my breathing techniques - the booklet is an excellent guide by the way. I also appreciated you so honestly sharing your own experiences - it was clear how much you believe in and benefit from the techniques.

I woke up today with more energy than usual so can already see it makes a difference!

Please put me on your mailing list for retreats as I would love to try .

With love to you and Dorna.

Sarah xx

Hi Matt. I thought I would let you know that Tina said she's finding the yoga really great in her pregnancy - she says the seated exercises we've been doing in the last two sessions have been perfect!

All the best,


I found yoga relaxing and the stretches allowed me to touch my toes in just 4 weeks. It also relieved stress and helped me to sleep. It gave me much more flexibility.


The yoga sessions were extremely enjoyable and I didn't realize how un-flexible I really was until I took part in this. It has benefited me in that not only does it help me relax but it helps me to focus and concentrate on my breathing during racing and in everyday life. The stretches help to loosen my muscles before races and they can be completed easily at home and on the track before competitions. I would like to carry on yoga to learn more about my body and mind and ways in which I can improve my fitness.


I think that yoga was good for me because it helped me take note on how I breathe whilst doing anything. Also it gave me some new ways to stretch to reduce my injuries and I think that it made me more flexible.


Even with only a limited number of sessions I have noticed many positive changes in my athletics because of my yoga; these being both physical and mental. Yoga has improved my overall flexibility and taken it to a whole new level. This has enabled me to increase my stride length and stay clear of injuries, which has been a problem of mine over the past few seasons. Mentally yoga had taught all of us how to stay focused both in preparation for a competition and training. This has helped my self and training partners to stay focused and concentrate on the task ahead, a tool that is essential for any athlete. Finally I have found yoga to be a great way to cross train being beneficial and also enjoyable. I have seen significant improvements in both my self and training partners since taking part in yoga and my views are shared by them all.


I feel that we have all benefited from yoga in different ways. I personally benefited mainly in my flexibility which will help my running by lengthening my stride - consequently improving my times which has been proven by already running a PB. Yoga has also taught me how to focus on my breathing which increases my pain resilience in training and competing. A very important improvement - I have been able to get in the "zone" of a race and concentrate 100% on my race. Yoga has taught me breathing techniques and various effective stretching which I have greatly benefited from.


There was another guy who was modelling balance and they were most impressed that I could already stand on one leg with the other leg out straight without falling over!  All those tree postures have obviously stayed with me!  I also managed to do a headstand!

So I just wanted to say thank you for your assistance.

Thanks again, take care.


Thank you for a truly inspirational day. I learned a lot and look forward to practicing and improving my breathing techniques - the booklet is an excellent guide by the way. I also appreciated you so honestly sharing your own experiences - it was clear how much you believe in and benefit from the techniques.

I woke up today with more energy than usual so can already see it makes a difference!

Please put me on your mailing list for retreats as I would love to try .

With love to you and Dorna.

Sarah xx

Hello Matt

I loved the workshop on Saturday. I learnt so much. I felt elated after the pranayama session, really light, ready to dance. It was wonderful. Like most students I find it really hard to share in a group but I ust wanted to let you know I thought it was all wonderful and to say thank you.What an amazing way to enter into Spring.

My partner picked me up from the car park afterwards and he said that all all the "yoga archers" (because of the mat bags across the back) leaving the David Lloyd centre, were all the most smiling, most happy people he'd seen in a long while. You worked magic Matt.

Thank you a million, it felt wonderful to enter into Spring so positively.

Have a lovely Easter break x

'L' - David Lloyd Fincley - Yoga Sutra Workshop 2016

Dear Matt

I feel triumphant, happy and grounded when I am in the stork position.

arm is raised above my head and I feel connected to the universe above. The arm on the other side of my body has grasped my leg which is bent at the knee and which I am pressing closely to my buttocks.

I feel grounded. I feel such joy - the joy of being alive in the present moment.

This is so refreshing and uplifting for me as a few months ago something happened to me and I reacted to it by feeling extreme fear and sadness and an overwhelming sense of loss.

At times I still feel that loss, however when I am in the stork position I only feel happy.

I experiment by thinking of the situation which has made me unhappy whilst in the stork position - I can only feel happiness!
With love,


Hi, Matt Thank you; we all really enjoyed these sessions and I do think that was down to you, as the boys and girls felt they could have fun as well as do the exercise. Hopefully we will be able to sort something out to carry on as I and other parents think it had benefited the younger ones. I will be speaking to my friend as she was very interested in doing yoga so we might be coming on a Friday. Look Forward to seeing you soon,


Hi Matt, hope you enjoyed you holiday and did lots of diving.

Just to let you know the yoga breathing went down very well with the NLP group! My trainer was most impressed with how I presented it and made the notes, and he has asked for a copy to circulate to the group.

So I just wanted to say thank you for your assistance.

There was another guy who was modelling balance and they were most impressed that I could already stand on one leg with the other leg out straight without falling over! All those tree postures have obviously stayed with me! I also managed to do a headstand!

Thanks again, take care


Here's some feedback about our Pranayama Breathing Techniques and Relaxation Techniques books and DVD's How To Breathe, from one of our regular students. Click here on Breathing Techniques to have a read.

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