So Many Bridges

10 July 2019 4 Comment(s)


I never realised

There were so many bridges

To cross on my way to work.


That cows were so beautiful

And grass so green.


I realise

I’ve never listened

To slow piano

As I didn’t want to feel

How much sadness lies

In the human soul

Like ground laying fallow.


So today

I return to normal

Back on the ground

Or so my timetable seems to say….



A part of me

I have left behind

On that bridge

In those hills

That kissed my soul

To ‘Let go’.


I remember how ‘that’ morning

The focus in class

was all about ‘letting go’

And in that expected moment

(As we both felt it was one

Just waiting to happen)

I still needed reminding

That nothing

Just nothing



His permission.


Too much chatter

Amidst the traffic

And mental clatter

It waited

Death she is waiting


So lovingly




Not today

Not yet

But still

You must listen

And learn

What does it mean to ‘Let Go’?”



To find the rest of our group

The car ploughs

Into that ancient Bridge

800 years

She‘s sat there watching

The water passing beneath

While the clouds above

Drift aimlessly

Around the peaks


I have asked that ‘All might awaken”

And in that moment

I am shaken

Out of my body


The breath is smacked

From my Heart

The seat belt whipping my chest

To save me tipping from the cart!


For seconds


Seem like minutes

I am shocked


Shock itself


And then I hear him laughing

Let go

Let go

Let God!!!


I moan

Like an old Boy’s dying groan

As I wrench myself

Cartoon like

From the leather of the back seat


I look up

‘Where is my beautiful Angel?’


And then a jaded memory

Had she leapt from her seat

Seemingly agile and always able?


There only remained our driver

His crown broken

Torn from ego’s clutch

Sitting almost lost

What? How? Why?

His new car

Gone to dust!


I try to yank him out

Seemingly stuck

His door jammed

Belt caught

My strength drained

Every sinew


Like iron taught.


Where’s my Other

My Angel

My love?




Bowing head to heart

Cradling her face

Roasted against the airbag


Pained and shocked

Yet I know my beautiful love

No resistance to the moment

To any call from above

She already knows

What happened had to be

We both felt it coming

Minutes before

Through manic waves of ecstasy


Too much excitement

Focus all on the ’other’ ‘outside’

“The Others, the Others?”



Hold on a minute

What about us

Our car,

THIS ride!!!




Like we’d never hoped to hear

It took me a few hours

To separate the noise in my ears


Of the car that hit the wall

The wall that hit the car

From the the Belt that strapped my Chest

And whipped my joyful delicate heart



My love hit the airbag

Or was it the screen or both?

All grazed and dazed

And brain PurpleHazed


As we hobbled like war veterans

Before laying on the cobbles

Who knows….

Perhaps for the last time?



Not for a moment

Or even a nano

Did I ever go

To that place of fear or despair


Even though I twice yelped

And stole myself

I knew from my deepest centre

That my Angel would 100% repair


She smiled out

Tuscany smiled back

To let her know

We were all there

Soooo much care

From all our Yogi-Ease


Humpty Dumpty

Love would keep us All together

It would never

Separate our hearts


That day

Or any other



So many bridges

In this life

And the last


That voice inside my heart again

Reminded me

In casualty

“Nothing ever happens my Boy

Without my blessing

Yours is my guarantee”


That bridge

In this life…

Certainly ‘aint you’re last!




For Dorna




Matt Gluck July 2019

4 thoughts on “So Many Bridges”

  1. Matt, Beautiful writing , one line really made me think…. “ to separate the noise in my ear”. I’ve a recurring dream of speed and crash…. maybe a memory from a life before . I will think of your words …. and maybe let go of the sensation faster .

    Sarah ( from Dorna’s Thursday class ?)

    1. Thank you for sharing Sarah – and good to know you can relate, despite the sensitive subject matter. Have you thought of trying to become lucid in your dream? Or reliving the dream while awake and rewriting the script – this can be very powerful…. x:)

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