
Tension Is A Friend

17 March 2022 0 Comment(s)

What is Tension and how can we transform it into one of our allies?

In order to do so we firstly need to Zoom In. We need to look at the tension, begin to understand it and then progressively transform or befriend it. This is especially true if we are hoping to let go of older more stagnant or apparently ‘solid blocks’ in our physical body.  So, much of the process is understanding the messages of our tensions and learning from them, largely through understanding the emotions or thoughts which are part of their make up. This means for example to recognise that for example, if we have tension in our lower back, the idea of moving this region may bring fear and even dread. The ‘What If’ program starts to whir as we remember that last time we had so much hassle, pain, depression, loss of work or pastime enjoyment etc. These very thoughts and the feelings that accompany them and, vice-versa are very often the underlying cause of the issue. It may be that we had an injury or incident which instigated the trauma initially but it may be equally true that these fears which started as a protective splint around the wound become the very substance which prevent our optimum healing.

Let’s play with tension as Alice in Wonderland with curiosity.




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