Online Course | Internal Cultivation ~ AlcheMe

7 November 2022 0 Comment(s)

New Online Course | Internal Cultivation

AlcheMe – Course in Inner Transformation

Starting 7th JAN ’23

Inspire Your Journey and Transform Your Life.

Apprentice Course Book Here    

 Path to Mastery Course Book Here

Includes Khechari Mudra

A Clear and Simple Method to Awaken, Dissolve Suffering & Activate Blissful Energy~Consciousness Within

Are you tired of seeking? Have you found what you were looking for? The practises contained with this course are those which have enabled me to stop searching, enjoy the bliss, peace and stillness having finally found how to access and drink from within. These teachings provide you with a clear ‘hands on how to technology’ which will activate and guide your internal energy, while simultaneously working to dissolve your blocks.

Had I had access to this information many moons ago, it would have made my journey easier. Teaching since 1988, I’ve now systemised this formula to help you find your inner map and unlock the treasure which awaits within.

Join me on this journey – commit yourself to the practices and wherever you find your self in life, you will see how these formulas act as the taproot for your divine nectar.

My goal is to impart the knowledge and wisdom which has been shared with me over the last half century, to help catalyse and crystallise your awakening – in the safest and most sacred means available to me.

Some benefits Include Deeper insight into life and your signature path – Awaken to presence Dissolve suffering – Activate blissful energy~consciousness within – Heightened states of peace & stillness – Energy & healing – Clarity, inspiration & creativity – Improved resilience, strength & mobility 

The Course Provides – A clear and simple method to awaken. A safe, grounded and comprehensive approach to internal alchemy. A hands on ‘how to’ technology, highlighting the benefits, contraindications and pitfalls, including preparatory and subsidiary practices which promote this rounded, effective and long term method. Workshops build from module to module to reveal the sahaja (naturally spontaneous) state of ecstasy (samadhi) unfolding petal by petal, as your ‘bodies’ clear and cleanse to reveal the ‘pearl’ or ‘diamond’ of your essence. The practices will lead to the teaching of khechari mudra and reveal how the training will enable this to progressively unfold naturally over time. To book your zoom chat and find out more, read the information below.

Benefits for Teachers – Internal practice clarifies and answers many of our questions as you move layer by layer, deeper towards source.  Profoundly enhance your teaching experience and skill, sharing this in all of your connections.

Where & How The live course sessions will be taught over zoom with recordings available indefinitely after this. Weekly tutorials on a Saturday 11.30AM GMT.

Apprentice 1 month 12 hrs  £1257 = 4 x 3hr sessions and 2 x 1hr 121’s with me. BOOK YOUR COURSE

Path to Mastery 2 Months 24hrs £2497 = 8 x 3 hr sessions and 3 x 1hr 121’s with me.BOOK YOUR COURSE

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT 10% for bookings before 7th December ’22.

To arrange a consultation about your course  email Matt


To watch a little more about Matt Gluck ~ Interview Here

To Read more about Matt Gluck visit this page.

Student Testimonials Here

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