Restorative Yoga Workshop July 2016

1 February 2016 0 Comment(s)

At Westminster Lodge

9th July 2016

4 – 7pm

In Studio 1

With Matt Gluck

Reserve your space – tickets £30


[email protected]

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Join us for a three hour workshop of restorative practices…

1 hour restorative asana session (postures) – deeply release and relax the physical body – (all connective tissues, organs and glands).

1 hour breathing/pranayam session – to further open the internal vessels of both the physical and energetic bodies (Annamaya and Pranamaya Koshas).

1 hour Pratyahara session (sensory withdrawal) to guide the mind and emotions from all distractions towards the deep and blissful ocean of the still and infinite Self; akin to the state of Deep Dreamless Sleep (Anandamaya Kosha).

Open to students with a minimum of six months yoga practice, who are looking to deepen their understanding and experience of inner peace, vitality and joy.


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