I bow to you my guru bee
Buzzing, joyful and hypnotised
drawn by the intoxicating smell of your colourful friends ,
You dance your drunken dance filling your cup of their nectar
I bow to you my guru bee
Through you I see,
flowers don’t hold back their treasure.
They don’t know but,
in their giving they go on.
You, ecstatic by their mesmerising scent
Whirl upon the waves of colours; blue, pink and violet…
You follow your bliss and in your embrace,
You don’t know but,
in your receiving you give
and so, life goes on.
I bow to you my guru bee
With you I see what masters of the path have said all along!
“Kindness is your nature”, “Love is who you are”
I bow to you my guru bee
December 2010
Watch a little video of Kahlil Gibran on Giving