Tai Chi (Taiji) / Qi Gong / Nei Gong One to One

For Face to Face Taiji, (Tai Chi), Qi Gong (Chi Kung) click here

Internal Arts

We teach Taiji, (Tai Chi), Qi Gong (Chi Kung) and Nei Gong derived from experience in Shaolin Kung Fu and then specialist training in these areas over the last four decades. We have studied Yang, Wu and Chen Style Taiji forms and chose to devise our own so as to remain as free spirited as the essence of these Arts propagate. We have studied and practiced Nei Gong (Internal Energy Cultivation) which may also be known as Nei Dan or Internal Alchemy.

Thus our practice and forms are based upon the classical precepts and tenets of Chinese Martial Arts, with a focus upon the cultivation of Qi/Chi (breath/ life force).

Inspired from the heart of the Shaolin Temple via Boddhidharma (who brought the monks the internal wisdom of Siddhi Yoga from Southern India), by the rogue monk who was expelled from its walls and the young boy who secretly watched from a treetop the ‘inner teachings’ of the old man practicing by the moon reflecting on the water,
like all monkeys, we too have experimented with what comes and use whatever sticks.

We enjoy both healing and martial aspects of Taiji; the essence of opposites and their play in nature.
We are more interested in teaching the internal fundamental principles coupled with simple movements which help one relax, unwind and rebalance, than sharing complicated patterns that lead one away from the belly and into the head.

Thus we teach the bodymind, observing as people let go of the ‘thinking’ mind as they learn and have fun too. Over time, what may have seemed complex, having been broken down, is simplicity itself. Yin and Yang, binary, all quantums leaping from the one, which sprung from the none.

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