
Subtle Body and the Chakras Workshop April 2017

18 November 2016 0 Comment(s)

22nd April 2017


At The Yoga Shed Unit 5 Station Approach Hitchin, Herts

With Matt Gluck


For Yoga Students and Teachers / CPD hours…

Deepen understanding of the applications behind the theories of Antaranga Sadhana – the Inner Limbs of Yogic and Tantric traditions.

This 3 hour workshop is segmented between theory and applications, discussing and journeying into the subtle bodies and chakras in depth. The result is greater understanding of the ‘Individual

Self’ and our role as part of a collective or ’Cosmic Self’.

The session is ideal for helping students digest and assimilate their knowledge of Classical 8 Limbed Yoga, helping to clarify, enhance and supercharge understanding and realisation.

Tutor: Matt Gluck started practicing yoga at 5, in order to help with chronic asthma. He has taught for the last 30 years, including Hatha Yoga full time, for the last 20.

Bookings through info@theyogashedhitchin.com

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