Relaxation Techniques – Audio CD – Unwind Body Breath Mind


Do you cram as much as possible in to a day, feeling bad when there is nothing to do? Do you feel a constant lack of energy or inspiration? Do you wish you knew how to relax ‘quickly’?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then ‘Unwind the Body, Breath and Mind’ is for you.

It has been laid out to allow you to relax in minutes. You can choose to do one track, ranging from 5 to 20 minutes, or combine a few tracks to get a deeper sense of ease and rest.


Listen to the calming voice of Dorna Djenab as she guides you through this beautiful relaxation Audio CD –

Today’s emphasis is on ‘doing’, on going ‘outwards’, on being ‘busy’, on ‘ticking as many items in the to do list as possible’. For some, to achieve inner balance, what they need most is the ability to ‘do nothing’. Imagine if you were only able to inhale and kept on inhaling and inhaling; at one point you wouldn’t be able to go any further. Unless you exhaled, you wouldn’t be able to take your next breath. This CD is one way to introduce the exhalations in your daily/weekly routine. It is the pause button we all need when everything seems to move faster than we can handle. Sometimes, pausing for as little as 5 minutes is all we need, to recuperate but often, we find it hard to indulge in such luxury because ‘TIME IS PRECIOUS’. Unaware that when we allow the natural rhythm to take place, relaxing in our exhalation, time seems to expand because we’ve slowed down. The paradox is, you will then be able to fit more in the time that you have, fulfilling all that matters most. The clarity that is achieved puts everything in the right priority, giving you a sense of being in the flow of activities instead of drowning underneath their weight. If you need external encouragement to ‘STOP’ and indulge in doing ‘nothing’ – allowing the body and mind to sail on ‘the sea of pure being’ – you can listen to ‘Unwind the body, breath and mind’ CD. I will guide you step by step to a state of conscious deep relaxation with ancient techniques that are most suitable for modern people. Whether you want to dedicate 5, 10.. 20, 30 minutes or a whole hour, the CD has been laid out in such a way to accommodate your need.

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