Lucid Dreaming Astral Projection ~ Course Manual (PDF)

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Lucid Dreaming Astral Projection ~ Course Manual to support the 4 Module Recored Course transmitted online in November ’24.

Book Blurb from Outer Body Experience specialist Graham Nicholls…

“Matt Gluck has written an excellent wide ranging guide to astral projection and lucid dreaming, full of practical instruction and drawing upon Eastern and Western ideas, from Yoga, Shamanism, to science. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in bringing the many threads of spiritual understanding together.” – Graham Nicholls

“This course in Lucid Dreaming ~ Astral Projection was written for my students to help them deepen their spiritual connection. Realising the huge impact these practices have had upon my own life and as a way for me to crystallise this information and have all of the teachings I have enjoyed in one place, I also now offer my understanding and interpretations to you. I hope that the way in which I present the teachings helps further clarify your own purpose and makes your journey that much more wakeful and therefore enjoyable.

With Love, Matt x:)”

The course combines a mixture of the Toltec Shamanic approach along with that of the Tantrikas of India and the Tibetan Buddhist Yogins, all renowned for their insights in to the fabric of reality and our role within this great tapestry. This is a presentation of my own understanding of these ancient teachings which I hope you will both enjoy and also find tremendously useful in improving your life’s  joy.

Whether you are a newbie or more experienced ‘surfer’, the manual presents a brief outline of the subject matter; namely what defines Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/Outer Body Experiences, why we would want to experience them and the practices involved in actualising them in to daily living and therefore regular occurence.

Price:  £9


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