How To Breathe – Box Set | Read More About The 10 hr DVD Course In Yogic Breathing / Pranayama

If you are feeling weak, tired, stressed, worried, unhealthy, bloated, overweight, depressed, demotivated, off centre, unsteady, uncertain, lacking in confidence or any similar complaint, suffer from chronic disease or sickness of any form, including asthma, allergies and so many more – there is no better or more immediate place to turn than your breath.

Complete breathing is responsible for the elimination of about 70% of metabolic waste. Within a few seconds of focused breathing, your whole world shifts. It requires a little willingness or awareness of the need to change, to be light and energetic AND with persistence, LET THE MEDICINE WORK ITS MAGIC!

Discover how to use your breath to tap into stagnant and undiscovered energy sources within and around you. Use your breath to relax, cleanse and renew your body and mind and integrate them with the awareness of your spirit. Apply these ancient methods to develop strength and stamina, which makes living in this hectic and stressful world so much easier. By developing a breath practice, even just a few minutes a week, you will begin to notice the difference in your outlook and ability to remain grounded, centred, focused, calm and joyful. Tap into your inner resources on a daily basis in the same way that martial artists and yogis have been doing for thousands of years.

‘How To Breathe’ was written following years of searching. My journey started with childhood difficulties with breathing, (chronic asthma) and having weaved in and out of the breath for the following 35 years I finally ‘got it’ back in 2006. I have adopted all of these classical techniques on a daily basis since then and continue to find increasing health, vitality, awareness and joy in the midst of this challenging world. Whatever steps you take to maintain or increase your well being, without breathing, none of it can take place.

As the foundation of life, have you ever considered giving this area of YOUR life more consideration or investment? The underlying approaches of eastern medicine and western alternative health are of prevention rather than symptomatic remedies. Long term effects of complete breathing liberate the body and mind. I’m glad I finally understood all of this. I hope that you feel inspired to take the nearest, easiest and perhaps most empowering steps of your life.

Benefits and Contraindications as well as simple to follow instructions, make this DVD Box Set UNIQUE and EASY to implement in order to establish a safe, effective and truly life changing practice. The techniques increase core strength, awareness and alignment. They flush and rinse the body of waste material and stimulate the growth of new and consciously enlivened cells as your platform of transformation. The exercises increase circulation, dramatically raise energy levels, remove blockages within the organs, glands, nervous system and soft tissue and reintegrate stagnant energy throughout your system. They help you to remove old patterns or habits and embrace that part of your being which accepts life, takes responsibility and fulfils the greatest part of yourself that speaks from deep within.

I wish you much joy.

In the Arts,

Matt Gluck.

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