Heaven On Earth

5 October 2002 0 Comment(s)

My heart teaches me
To open itself

To the rest of me

The best of me

To the world around me

I open myself
Let the love in my garden
Through my doors
And into my chambers

Healing my pain

My fear

My shame

That remained


Scared to love

To live

As completely as I could

Desire drove me
Insanity took hold of me

Vision blurred
As I lost sight of reality

Wires Crossing
I’s not dotting

All was lost
And the host got cross

We stopped one day
I heard him say

“Listen mate
I’m here ‘til late


You’ve read the lines
Heard them say
‘Heaven on earth’
It’s in this play


Stop fooling
Look inward for ruling


“I’m inside”
God did cry


Many mystical moons ago
All alone
Life went slow

Walls and fences
Shutters on the car
Scared to love
Everything drugs n bars

Confused and dazed
No one to help?

God shouted once more
“I’m at the door!”

And so I gave it all up
And started walking

This winding path
No more talking


Matt Gluck 5th October 2002

This poem refers to the period shortly after my mum passed away, summer 1995. I was having great difficulty accepting reality without her physical presence.

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